Praying the Rosary with St. Maria Faustina CD




Product Description

'Praying the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet with St. Maria Faustina' is two audio CD's containing meditations from the Diary: Divine Mercy in my Soul.
Mirroring the concept of a scriptural Rosary which instead of inserting verses from the Bible, inserts quotes from the Diary of St. Maria Faustina, a 20th century Polish nun who experienced visions of Christ and the Blessed Mother.  In addition, each decade has a theme or fruit to be meditated upon. As St. Faustina has been canonized under the hand of Pope John Paul II, Divine Mercy Sunday has been established as a great Feast Day in the Catholic Church, and the apparitions have been thoroughly investigated and deemed worthy of belief, the devout Catholic can be confident in the validity, usefulness, and efficaciousness of these meditations


Track Listings

Disc: 1

1. Rosary Opening Prayers


2.  The Annunciation (Humility)

3. The Visitation of Elizabeth (Love of Neighbor)

4. The Birth of Christ (Spirit of Poverty)

5. The Presentation at the Temple (Obedience)

6. The Finding of Jesus at the Temple (Piety)


7. The Baptism in the Jordan (Spiritual Childhood and Baptism)

8. The Wedding at Cana (Family Life)

9. The Proclamation of the Kingdom (The Kingdom of God)

10. The Transfiguration (The Light of Christ)

11. The Last Supper (The Holy Eucharist)

12. Rosary Closing Prayers

Disc: 2

1. Rosary Opening Prayers


2. The Agony in the Garden (Sorrow for Sin)

3. The Scourging at the Pillar (Purity)

4. The Crowning of Thorns (Courage)

5. The Carrying of the Cross (Patience)

6. The Crucifixion (Self-Denial)


7.The Resurrection (Faith)

8. The Ascension (Hope)

9. The Descent of the Holy Spirit (Love of God)

10. The Assumption of Mary (Desire for Heaven)

11. The Crowning of Mary (Devotion to Mary)

12. Rosary Closing Prayers


Artist of the St. Therese Portrait: Edith Marie Smith

Composer of Music: Keyboards: Michael John Poirier       

Violin: A friend of St. Therese            

Gregorian Chant: Laura Niles,

Spoken Prayers: John and Mary McClernon

Voice of Jesus: Michael John Poirier

Voice of St. Faustina: Mary McClernon