Sermon in a Sentence books by John McClernon contain direct quotes from some of our most celebrated Saints. These lovely little books provide a handy pocket-sized volume of hundreds of meditations for prayer and spiritual reading arranged by themes and virtues. They are ideal for anyone to carry with them to use for daily spiritual reading and inspiration.
A Treasury of Quotes on the Spiritual Life from St. Teresa of Avila
The 4th volume in the well-received series of books of quotes, prayers and insights from famous saints, this being from St. Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the Church. This deluxe leatherette book with gold stamping contains a collection of hundreds of direct quotes and short sayings of St. Teresa, carefully arranged and classified by the virtues represented in the classic 15 decade Rosary.
A Treasury of Quotes on the Spiritual Life from St Catherine of Siena
This is the 3rd volume in the series of books of quotes, prayers and insights from famous saints, this being from St Catherine of Siena, a Doctor of the Church. This deluxe book contains a collection of hundreds of direct quotes and short sayings of St. Catherine of Siena, carefully arranged by the major virtues of the Christian life. The quotes are arranged and classified by the virtues represented in the classic 15 decade Rosary. The Rosary mysteries provide us a mosaic of virtues for the spiritual life, a ladder for advancing in holiness and in the love of God.

A Treasury of Quotes on the Spiritual Life from St. Thomas Aquinas
This is the 5th volume in this popular series of deluxe, small hardcover books that contain a collection of hundreds of direct quotes and short sayings of great saints, this book being from the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas. His words are arranged and classified by the virtues represented in the 20 decade Rosary. The Rosary mysteries: Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious, provide us with a mosaic of virtues for the spiritual life, a ladder for advancing in holiness and in love of God and neighbor.

A Treasury of Quotes on the Spiritual Life from Archbishop Fulton Sheen
This handy little book contains hundreds of direct quotes and short sayings of Archbishop Fulton Sheen, arranged according to the Christian virtues and other spiritual topics, allowing the reader to encounter his thoughts about particular aspects of the Christian life in a more organized manner. The Venerable Fulton Sheen (1895 - 1979), Titular Archbishop of Newport, without doubt ranks among the greatest Catholic evangelists of the modern day. He was also a distinguished philosopher and theologian who wrote numerous books and articles about the Faith. Behind the Emmy Award-winning TV personality was a man of deep piety who spent an hour in Eucharistic adoration every day and whose apostolic work was rooted in a profound interior life. His heroic virtue has been officially recognized by the Holy See.

A Treasury of Quotes on the Spiritual Life from St. Maria Fausina Kowalska
This handy little book contains hundreds of direct quotes and short sayings of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, arranged according to the Christian virtues and other spiritual topics, allowing the reader to encounter her thoughts about particular aspects of the Christian life in a more organized manner.The visions of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska (1905 - 1938) are the basis for the modern Catholic devotion to the Divine Mercy. Behind the extraordinary phenomena that marked her life was a deep humility and a burning desire to see all of mankind converted to God by the attraction and power of His mercy. More than the visions about the Divine Mercy, what comes through her Diary is the deep spirituality that eventually led her to the heights of sanctity, ultimately resulting in her canonization.

A Treasury of Quotes on the Spiritual Life from St. John Paul II
This handy little book contains hundreds of direct quotes and short sayings of St. John Paul II, arranged according to the Christian virtues and other spiritual topics, allowing the reader to encounter his thoughts about particular aspects of the Christian life in a more organized manner. St. John Paul II canonized more saints than all of his predecessors combined to show that holiness is for all of the faithful. He wrote 14 encyclicals and hundreds of other documents to help the Church remain faithful to the doctrinal and moral teaching received from the Apostles. Canonized in 2014, Pope John Paul II's speeches and writings continue to be one of the main sources from which Catholics today draw their knowledge of the faith. He is also venerated for his defense of the family and the unborn.